Test Wikibase instance for the national library of The Netherlands.

Quick links

Eigenschappen (properties) (namespace = xx)

Items (namespace = 120)


  • Statements can also be expanded upon, annotated, or contextualized with the addition of optional qualifiers, references, and ranks.
  • The core part of a statement without references and ranks is also called claim. A claim without qualifiers is also referred to as snak. (= simplest P-Q pair)



PREFIX wd: <https://kbtestwikibase.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX wds: <https://kbtestwikibase.wikibase.cloud/entity/statement/>
PREFIX wdv: <https://kbtestwikibase.wikibase.cloud/value/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://kbtestwikibase.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX p: <https://kbtestwikibase.wikibase.cloud/prop/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>

Wat zit er in de Wikibase?

Eenvoudige zoekvragen


om (het API-matig schrijven van) onze KB-datamodellen te testen en te verbeteren


  • [1] (Q20) - bron van de GGC-data staat [hier]


Interactie via de API


Via URLs

Via Python

Snelheid van bulk data-importeren

  • Fast Bulk Import Into Wikibase - Importing a large amount of Items into Wikibase can be a challenge. This post provides a high level overview of different importing approaches and their performance.