
From KBTestWikibase
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Overview of properties (Ps) in this Wikibase, with their Labels, Descriptions and Aliases, both in NL and in EN, as well their equivalent properties in Wikidata (if applicable)

# Overview of properties in this Wikibase, 
# with their Labels, Descriptions and Aliases, 
# both in NL and in EN, 
# as well their equivalent properties in Wikidata (if applicable) 

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?p ?pType 
?pLabelNL ?pLabelEN 
?pDescriptionNL ?pDescriptionEN 
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?pAliasNL ; separator = "|") as ?pAliasesNL )
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?pAliasEN ; separator = "|") as ?pAliasesEN )


  ?p wikibase:propertyType ?pType .
  OPTIONAL{?p wdt:P1 ?wikidataEquivalentProperty.} 

  OPTIONAL{?p rdfs:label ?pLabelNL FILTER(LANG(?pLabelNL)='nl').}
  OPTIONAL{?p rdfs:label ?pLabelEN FILTER(LANG(?pLabelEN)='en').}
  OPTIONAL{?p schema:description ?pDescriptionNL FILTER(LANG(?pDescriptionNL) = "nl"). }  
  OPTIONAL{?p schema:description ?pDescriptionEN FILTER(LANG(?pDescriptionEN) = "en"). }
  OPTIONAL{?p skos:altLabel ?pAliasNL FILTER(LANG(?pAliasNL) = "nl"). }  
  OPTIONAL{?p skos:altLabel ?pAliasEN FILTER(LANG(?pAliasEN) = "en"). }     
GROUP BY ?p ?pType ?pLabelNL ?pLabelEN ?pDescriptionNL ?pDescriptionEN ?wikidataEquivalentProperty
ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?p), 'P')))

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Overview of items (Qs) in this Wikibase, with their Labels, Descriptions and Aliases, both in NL and in EN, as well their equivalent Q-items en URIs in Wikidata (if applicable)

# Overview of items (Qs) in this Wikibase, 
# with their Labels, Descriptions and Aliases, 
# both in NL and in EN, 
# as well their equivalent Q-items en URIs in Wikidata (if applicable) 

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabelNL ?itemLabelEN 
?itemDescriptionNL ?itemDescriptionEN 
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?itemAliasNL ; separator = "|") as ?itemAliasesNL )
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?itemAliasEN ; separator = "|") as ?itemAliasesEN )
?wikidataEquivalentURI ?wikidataEquivalentItem 

  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?b
  OPTIONAL{?item wdt:P1 ?wikidataEquivalentURI.} 
  OPTIONAL{?item wdt:P4 ?wikidataEquivalentItem.} 

  OPTIONAL{?item rdfs:label ?itemLabelNL FILTER(LANG(?itemLabelNL)='nl').}
  OPTIONAL{?item rdfs:label ?itemLabelEN FILTER(LANG(?itemLabelEN)='en').}
  OPTIONAL{?item schema:description ?itemDescriptionNL FILTER(LANG(?itemDescriptionNL) = "nl"). }  
  OPTIONAL{?item schema:description ?itemDescriptionEN FILTER(LANG(?itemDescriptionEN) = "en"). }
  OPTIONAL{?item skos:altLabel ?itemAliasNL FILTER(LANG(?itemAliasNL) = "nl"). }  
  OPTIONAL{?item skos:altLabel ?itemAliasEN FILTER(LANG(?itemAliasEN) = "en"). }     
GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabelNL ?itemLabelEN ?itemDescriptionNL ?itemDescriptionEN ?wikidataEquivalentURI ?wikidataEquivalentItem  
ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?item), 'Q')))

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Alle Ps en Qs samen

# All Ps and Qs in this Wikibase
PREFIX wikibase: <>

SELECT  ?statement ?statementLabel ?statementDescription ?statementAltLabel
   ?statement wikibase:statements ?b
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl". }
ORDER BY ?statement

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Claim ids (GUID) for Qnumbers in this Wikibase

# Find claim ids (GUID) for Qnumbers in this Wikibase
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>

SELECT  ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?claim ?IsEenLabel
    ?item wikibase:identifiers ?b.
    ?item p:P3 ?claim.            
    ?claim ps:P3 ?IsEen.           

  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl". }
ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?item), 'Q')))

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Dingen die een instantie (P3) zijn van andere dingen

# Dingen die een instantie (P3) zijn van andere dingen
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>

SELECT ?ding ?dingLabel ?dingDescription  ?IsEen ?IsEenLabel ?IsEenDescription WHERE
?ding wdt:P3 ?IsEen 
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl". }

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Federated querying: mixing data from this Wikibase with data from Wikidata

# Federated querying: mixing data from this Wikibase with data from Wikidata 

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription

  ?item wikibase:identifiers ?b
  ?item wdt:P1 ?wikidataEquivalentURI.

  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl". }

ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(STRAFTER(STR(?item), 'Q')))

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